Study Methods Like THIS.
Year 12 is a stressful year – workload is high – pressure is on – competition is fierce…
and time is not on your side.
So how do you go about studying Methods effectively?
In this post, we will address exactly that.
Firstly, I get that every student is different and how much time you can dedicate to studying Methods – per day or per week – is based on your personal circumstance.
However, here is a guideline you can follow to achieve the best results.
Let’s say for every 90 minutes you study for Methods…
you should spend the first 60 minutes covering textbook questions and the remaining 30 minutes going over exam questions.
In other words, spend two thirds of your study time (whatever the amount is) covering textbook questions and one third going over exam questions – related to the topic you covered.
Follow this system for the first semester.
By the way if you want a resource that can group Methods exam questions into topics then join the Maths Methods Club. It’s the only place where you can instantly group past paper questions into 35 topics.
During the second semester you want to switch this around.
Meaning you should spend two thirds of your study time covering exam questions and one third going over textbook questions.
Towards the end of the year – about a month before the exams – you should spend pretty much most of your study time – if not 100% – doing exam style questions.
With this system not only will you learn the basics of every area…
but at the same time you will be exposed to different questions and be able to learn and practice applying your knowledge to questions you won’t see in your textbooks.
Ultimately better preparing you for your SACs and exams throughout the year.