Want to Improve in Maths Methods? (Follow These 3 Simple Steps)

Almost any student can improve in Methods and achieve better marks.

Yet most students continue to struggle with Maths Methods.

Some say “they aren’t doing too great”. They pass their SACs and tests and get around 60%. Sometimes better sometimes worse.

But if you’re determined to improve in Methods follow these 3 simple steps:

1) Learn The Basics

You’ve got to learn the basics/fundamentals. There is no way around it.

This is where your textbook come in. Narrow your focus on just one topic.

Go over the theory part and practice enough questions until you feel comfortable with the concepts taught.

If you’re struggling to get a concept consider watching video tutorials on YouTube. It’s literally the best free resource you can find online.

Otherwise ask help from your friends and teachers.

2) Practice Exam Questions

Once you feel comfortable answering textbook question on a topic – you need to immediately practice exam questions related to that topic.

Why? This is to ensure you’ve completely understood what you covered.

Your textbook lacks the style of questions that will be asked in the exams – so you cannot rely on just textbook questions.

Even if you can answer every single textbook question correctly – this does not mean you will be able to answer exam questions.

If you want to practice exam questions by topic then login to the Maths Methods Club where you can find Methods exam questions + video solutions grouped into 35 smaller topics.

3) Learn From Your Mistakes

No point doing textbook/exam questions if you don’t learn from your mistakes.

Write down every mistake you made and note what you needed to know to answer the question.

Don’t neglect this step – it’s very important.
If you’re getting questions wrong – it means you’re not 100% on that topic.

Identify your mistakes and do similar questions to the ones you got wrong until everything becomes clear.

Follow these 3 steps and you will see an improvement and definitely do much better in Methods.

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